57th Plenary

9-10th May 2019
Amsterdam, NL

ESSC 57th Plenary Meeting

The European Space Science Committee (ESSC), Committee composed of 31 scientists met for their 57th plenary meeting on 9-10 May 2019 at The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam (NL). The meeting was attended by 48 participants including representatives from various,local, European and International institutions, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Commission (EC), the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), the Space Studies Board and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (SSB), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), among others.

Invited Guests

Maurice Borgeaud

Head of Earth Observation Department (EO), Science, Applications and Climate, European Space Agency

Joost Carpay

ESA Program Manager, NSO

Ewine von Dishoeck

Director, NOVA

Jean-Louis Fellous

Executive Director, COSPAR

James Green

Chief Scientist, NASA

Colleen Hartman

SSB/ASEB Board Director, Space Studies Board (USA), ex-officio member

Günther Hasinger

Director of Science Programmes (SCI), European Space Agency

Mats Ljungqvist

Policy Officer, EC/DG GROW

David Parker

Director Human and Robotic Exploration, European Space Agency

Yoshio Toukaku

Director for International Strategy and Coordination, JAXA

Michael Wise

Director General, SRON

Lev Zelenyi

Director, IKI

Peiwen Zhu

International Cooperation Manager, CAST

Jean-Claude Worms

ESF Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio member


  • ESA Earth Observation-Recent Achievements & Space19+, Dr. Maurice Borgeaud
  • NSO – Interaction of Space Policy and Science Policy, Mr. Joost Carpay
  • NOVA Overview, Prof. Ewine von Dishoeck
  • COSPAR Udpate, Dr. Jean-Louis Fellous
  • NASA Science Program Update, Dr. James Green
  • Space Science Board Update to ESSC, Dr. Colleen Hartman
  • ESA Mandatory Scientific Program Update, Dr. Günther Hasinger
  • Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Research & Innovation 2018-2020, Dr. Mats Ljungqvist
  • Update on E3P Status and Plans, Dr. David Parker
  • JAXA Space Science Programme and International Collaboration, Prof. Yoshio Toukaku
  • SRON Overview and Outlook, Dr. Michael Wise
  • Russian Space Science Program Update, Dr. Lev Zelenyi
  • CAST Introduction, Ms. Peiwen Zhu

To see the presentations, please contact essc[at]