The IPCC WG2 Report: A Code Red for Humanity
March 01, 2022
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued the second part of its sixth assessment report (AR6) on February 28th, 2022. The report provides significant and unequivocal scientific evidence that climate change impacts are dire and being felt across the globe, from intense and frequent floods to droughts and heatwaves. Human-induced climate change will continue to increase for many more decades until global emissions of greenhouse gases are effectively reduced to zero. The IPCC warns that adaptation is inadequate for the risks we face and too often at the expense of natural systems.
The scale of the climate challenge we are facing requires investing in adaptation, mitigation and resilience. Space Earth observation is one way to monitor the grave and mounting threat to our planet.
The Earth Sciences Panel (ESP) of the European Space Sciences Committee (ESSC) recently launched a survey to assess the European Earth Observation Programme’s (Copernicus) services and products as seen by their users. The study is a fully ESSC funded activity and will be performed independently of Copernicus. The ESP will present an analysis in mid-2022 of the uptake of Copernicus products by various European stakeholders. In this analysis, we will review potential bottlenecks of data usage, the role of Academia, and improvements that would maximize the added value of Copernicus for European society.
Take the survey here:

[1] The Summary for Policymakers of the Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) as well as additional materials and information are available here.
[2] The IPCC press release and linked materials can be found here:
[3] Read IPCC scientists’ reaction to the report – Article by Carbon Brief